Very Unique .63 Acres, in the heart of Immokalee. Zoned Commercial/Residential.
We believe that a fair value would be around $280K but will consider LESS,
if you can present us comparable properties at a lower price in the vicinity.
We suggest that YOU:
1. Review our website for details.
2. Find comparable properties to arrive at a fair market value.
3. Arrange a mutually agreeable date & time to view the property with us.
4. Check with Collier County for any questions you may have, prior to Offer.
5. You may then place an Offer (through your agent) or use the Florida Land Buy & Sell.
We will be favorable to ANY REASONABLE OFFER … that is:
1. FIRM (No conditions or delays.)
2. ‘AS IS’; in its present state.
4. CLOSE in 30 days or less.
NOTE: Please do NOT enter the property without our written permission.
Email me: or Text or Call Victor Carvalho @ 239 986 3495.